NEW LOCATION TO DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS!! Please drop off on the porch area of the St Barbara Hall Please donate food items to help fill the bags for students! the receptacle for the donated items will be on the porch of St. Barbara Social Hall during the school year Microwavable soup Packets of hot cereal Cups of pudding Cups of fruit Cups of Applesauce BelVita Breakfast Bars Fruit juice boxes or pouches (low sugar) Microwavable cups of pasta Crackers or pretzels with cheese cups (no peanut butter) Ramen Noodles Nut-free nutrition bars Microwavable cups of vegetables
Fish Fry Volunteers! Lectors! Ushers! Eucharistic Ministers! Choir! VBS help! Fundraisers! Faith Formation Helpers! ALL volunteers MUST HAVE diocesan clearances. The process of obtaining clearances takes time, so sign up NOW if you wish to volunteer in the next six months or so. Clearances include: Pennsylvania State Criminal clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse clearance FBI clearance Completion of Protecting God’s Children training online course Working directly with children - Mandated Reporter Training course You can register online at: Questions? Contact Cindy Parry - Corpus Christi’s Safe Environment Coordinator - [email protected]